Membership at The Village

Become a member of The Village!

We believe “church” isn’t a building or an event on Sunday mornings. The church is an interdependent community of people who live out their faith in Jesus together. Being the church is something we do!

You don’t need to be an official member of The Village in order to fully participate in the life of our church. You can still join a group, volunteer on a team, and even serve as leader in one of our ministries.

However, many of us find it meaningful to make a public commitment to our church home. If you would like to make a commitment to The Village by becoming a member, we would love to help you do that!

To become a member, we’ll ask you to make some pretty big commitments. What’s great about these commitments is that they will help you live into the fullness of who God has created you to be, and they will help our church family to live out our mission to be ordinary people who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who change the world!

Membership commitments at The Village Church: 

I will be a faithful member of the body of Christ here at The Village in the following ways: 

  • I will CONNECT to Jesus through daily prayer and weekly worship.

  • I will GROW in community in my understanding, trust, and obedience of Jesus through being part of a group.

  • I will GIVE generously of my resources to the Kingdom of Jesus. 

  • I will GO serve the mission of Jesus by reaching and serving my neighbors in the church and in the community with his love. 

Ready to become a member?

We offer membership twice a year (in the fall and spring). If you’d like to become a member, click the button to fill out the membership form and we’ll be in touch!